Student Engagement
Dynamically create pathways to collect student data, verify information and provide insight.
Student Engagement Gateway Student Engagement Gateway Mobile
Student Engagement Gateway is a dynamic tool that uses conditional logic to intuitively gather information and documentation, even for complex workflows. Paired with our file review experts, it enhances accuracy, completion,
and validation rates while securely collecting data for actionable insights.
Increase Student Engagement
& Completion Rates
The Student Engagement Gateway intuitively guides students and parents through the application process with dynamic task lists that provide clear updates on required documentation, deadlines, and completion status. Along the way are helpful tips and our knowledgeable student advocate team is readily available
for assistance.
Customize Processes
Not all applications are identical! Student Engagement Gateway provides the flexibility to create school-specific interviews tailored to your application requirements. These personalized criteria seamlessly integrate into the workflow and approval process, ensuring streamlined processing for data decisions.
Transform Collaboration
Our team collaborates with you to identify desired improvements in workflows and student access. We initiate the transformation by establishing communication and data objectives, student services, validation levels, and execution milestones that align with your goals and alleviate challenges.
Propel Accuracy & Efficiency
Student Engagement Gateway gathers all essential application documentation, allowing our expert team to assess the information directly within the platform. Here, they can make necessary corrections and determine application status, enhancing accuracy and expediting decision-making processes.
Achieve Administrative Insight
In addition to round-the-clock online access for students and families, schools gain access to the administrator portal. This portal allows administrators to conveniently monitor progress, make necessary adjustments, and manage tasks from any location at any time.

Talk to us

We'd love to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance with a demo or other information.

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