Webinar Still Nudging Helping Students Make Optimal Choices Recorded on: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Duration: One hour Cost: FREE Speaker: Carissa Uhlman If you would like to request the webinar recap and supporting documentation, please complete the form on this page. A few years after our very popular Nudge webinar, we’re back to take another look at the science of human behavior and how we can influence others to make decisions and take actions. Based on the newly updated book “Nudge: The Final Edition,” this session will give you insight into creating effective messages and cues that inspire students to take action. We’ll revisit the basics of nudge theory, including concept, ethics and implications, while incorporating new findings from the authors’ works. And, of course, we’ll discuss how nudges can work at your campus, with your students. Don’t miss out on this fun and informative session! Request Resources Please fill out the form and check the resources that you would like to receive from the “Still Nudging: Helping Students Make Optimal Choices” webinar. Webinar Recording Webinar Recap Certificate of Completion Full Name* Title* Organization/Institution* Email Address* Phone NumberView Inceptia's full privacy statement.CAPTCHA Find my representative