Financial Education Empower Students with Financial Avenue Request Your Financial Avenue Access Code Today! Financial Avenue is designed to support student success and get valuable resources into the hands of students, especially students attending high schools in Nebraska. Financial Avenue’s various courses were designed to incorporate the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Literacy & Education Commission’s core competencies, as well as the Jump$tart K-12 recommended guidelines. Are you ready to help your students achieve smarter money management? Please take a few moments to complete the form in its entirety. This will help our team create your account. Once your account is created, you will receive an email from us within two business days with your unique access code to share with students, credentials to view online reporting, as well as a marketing flyer to help promote the program to your students. If you have any questions or would prefer to set-up your account over the phone, please call 888.529.2028. Request Access School Name* School Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP Code Your Name* First Last Job Title* Email* Phone*Grade Requirement:*75100Most courses have a post-assessment; please choose the minimum passing grade.Administrator Name* First Last The "administrator" is the person that will receive credentials for the Financial Avenue Administrator Portal to access reports, marketing materials, and supplementary educational materials.Administrator Email* CAPTCHA