NACUBO Discovery Dashboard Welcome NACUBO attendees! Discover who we are, what we offer, gather resources and hear from our clients. Meet the Team | Student Outreach Programs | Verification Gateway | Repayment Wellness | Resources Meet the Team Mike Lubben Contact Me Shannon Jones Contact Me Tami Gilbeaux Contact Me Chris Campbell Contact Me Get to Know Inceptia Engage with students to promote processes leading to enrollment and address barriers to aid in your planning and support strategy. Intuitively gathers information and documentation required to verify students for Federal Financial Aid. Connect with students to innovatively guide them to repayment success. Student Outreach Programs Case Study: Delgado Moves Student from Applied to Enrolled Through Student Outreach Program Utilizing Student Outreach Programs multifaceted strategy for connecting with students, the Inceptia team contacted just over 2,000 students. The contacts consisted of 90% never having showed interest in Delgado and the remaining 10% had withdrawn in Spring 2022. Case Study: Gwinnett Technical College Extents the Personal Touch and Meets Goals with Student Outreach Program GTC leverages the Inceptia Student Outreach Programs team to extend the personal outreach to admitted students to welcome them, answer questions, provide next steps and offer encouragement. Verification Gateway Case Study: Verification Gateway Reduced Work Load Among Staff at Multiple Colleges That Enabled More Student-Centric Service Selecting Verification Gateway allowed verifications to be processed more efficiently: created a user-friendly experience for students and families; reduced foot traffic and call volume in the financial aid office; and helped drive enrollment. E-book: Getting Students To and Through School with Verification Gateway Verification can be the “one-more-thing” that keeps students from following their education aspirations. Verification Gateway helps remove the barriers with an easy to follow process, tips, reminders and support when needed. Repayment Wellness Case Study: Students No Longer Hid from Debt and Blue Ridge Community College Experiences a Lower Default Rate The Repayment Counseling Outreach team from Inceptia contacted each defaulted borrower and worked through every unique case. They walked borrowers through step-by-step ways to repay loans, taking into consideration the sensitivity and nature of each situation. Webinar: Reengaging Student Borrowers: Starting over for the best possible outcome. In this session, we discuss the challenges repayment presents from the student and school perspective, along with recommendations to ease the strain. E-book: Managing your CDR A Guide to the CDR timeline, key impacts of repayment, and tips for preparedness. Resources