PJ Advisor
PJ Advisor is a virtual financial aid appeals platform that streamlines and uncomplicates managing the growing number of special circumstances requests.
Wherever they are and whenever they need it, PJ Advisor is available on any device allowing the student to focus on their academics rather than worry about how they are going to pay for college.
Improve the Student Experience
PJ Advisor’s secure and device-responsive platform delivers an intuitive
self-service solution that guides students step-by-step through the request process. As they complete their request, they are prompted to digitally upload the situational documentation while following their task list. Helpful reminders along the way show progress and keep them on track. Once complete they simply sign and submit.
Choose Your Process
With PJ Advisor's flexibility, you can utilize our knowledgeable team to review the applications for accuracy and completeness before you review for a final decision or you can utilize the PJ Advisor streamlined platform to manage the entire process in your office.
Expedite PJ Appeals
Pre-screening questions and a guided application process takes the guesswork out of what to gather and how to submit. Creating a standard process with room for individual considerations ensures all information has been gathered enabling a holistic and efficient review. The PJ Advisor environment is device responsive and easy to use.
Student Process
Select the situations that apply to you.
Tell us your story.
Upload supporting documentation.
Submit your completed appeal.
Review and Approve Virtually
School administrators have access to applicant statuses, details on the information submitted, and when ready, completed appeals are reviewed through a central dashboard. Administrators can also request additional documentation from students within the platform and respond accordingly when a decision has been made.
Streamline Document Management
All documentation is collected through PJ Advisor into one student file eliminating gathering and sorting for the financial aid office for more convenient review. Schools can review requests individually or in a full download. Progress is easily trackable through the client dashboard.
Talk to us
We'd love to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance with a demo or other information.