Webinar: Strategic Enrollment Management: Leveraging Financial Aid Webinar: Strategic Enrollment Management: Leveraging Financial Aid | 9.19.19
Webinar: Connecting Students Through Collaboration Webinar: Connecting Students Through Collaboration | 8.7.19
Webinar: FAFSA Toolkit Express: Free Resources to Promote FAFSA Completion Webinar: FAFSA Toolkit Express: Free Resources to Promote FAFSA Completion | 7.11.19
Webinar: The ABC’s of Gen Z: Adapting Financial Aid Practices for Effective Outcomes Webinar: The ABC’s of Gen Z: Adapting Financial Aid Practices for Effective Outcomes | 6.12.19
News: 2019 Marks Inceptia’s Sixth Annual “Great Advice for Grads” News: 2019 Marks Inceptia’s Sixth Annual “Great Advice for Grads” | 4.1.19
Webinar: Loan Summaries: Helping Students, Helping Schools Webinar: Loan Summaries: Helping Students, Helping Schools | 3.21.19
Webinar: Handling Money Like a #GirlBoss: Empowering Women Through Financial Literacy (rebroadcast) Webinar: Handling Money Like a #GirlBoss: Empowering Women Through Financial Literacy | 4.2.19
Webinar: Student Insights: Financial Behaviors and Issues of Inequity Webinar: Student Insights: Financial Behaviors and Issues of Inequity | 4.24.19
Webinar: Building a Better Award Letter: Providing Information that Really Helps Students and Families Webinar: Building a Better Award Letter | 4.16.19
Webinar: Financial Education in the Age of FOMO Webinar: Financial Education in the Age of FOMO | 2.20.19